Making In-Situ exposed aggregate concrete pavement

In-Situ pavement with an exposed aggregate finish

Click below to download our new specification guidelines where you can find specification text for producing In-Situ exposed aggregate concrete pavement.

We recommend using the following HEBAU products at the different stages of production:

- CSE® Deactivator CSE® Multitop

- Special high-performance plasticiser ARCON-Fluid+Plus

- Protective Coating of Concrete - COLORTEC® max (matt look coating) or COLORFRESH® intensiv (sheen coating)


It's worth to changing your specification. - Making exposed aggregate concrete is an efficent alternative to stamped concrete:

The Benefits outlined in In-Situ exposed aggregate concrete finishes are:

  • Improved slip resistance on the surface.
  • Enhanced dirt and stain protection.
  • Attractive and easily maintained decorative payment.
  • Cost effective with competitive life time costs. 


VIDEO Explenations

Watch this video and see how easy it is to make an "exposed aggregate In-Situ pavement" is.


And in the video below we test our CSE® deactivator multitop in our labatory.
This is the specific HEBAU deactivator version which we recommend for exposed aggregate In-Situ Pavement.